The Learning Is In the Climb!

For experienced leaders who are ready to take their leadership to new heights.


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Master Six Core Leadership Skills

  • 1: Own Your Role

    Take ownership for your role as a leader and the success that will be yours in that role.

  • 2: Build Relationships

    Know what relationships matter most within your role as a leader and continually core for and nurture those relationships.

  • 3: Interact with Impact

    Every interaction you have as a leader will have an impact on those you lead.

  • 4: Coach for Success

    Coaching is the craft of today's workplace leader. Coaching builds capacity (will and skill) in those you lead.

  • 5: Build Your Team

    Teamwork is hard work and it is worth it. The best work you do as a leader may just be the work you enable your team to do.

  • 6: Lead Change

    Change is a reality. Change requires leadership and leadership requires change. Help you team prepare for a thrive during challenging change.